
沖縄のエンターテイメント界を牽引する劇団TEAM SPOT JUMBLEから、経験豊富かつ個性的な3名の役者(島袋寛之/与那嶺圭一/村山靖)とOKINAWA和太鼓奏者HIDETOの異色コラボレーション。2015年、ここにしかない新しいエンターテイメント創造を目指してチーム結成。


Team Spot Jumble (TSJ) is the leading entertainment theater company in Okinawa. Hiroyuki Shimabukuro, Keiichi Yonamine, and Yasushi Murayama are experienced members of TSJ who, in collaboration with Okinawan Wadaiko percussionist Hideto, create a breathtaking show that showcases their excellent skill in Karate, dance, and drumming.

Hiroyuki Shimabukuro

(TEAM SPOT JUMBLE所属/1979年生/浦添市出身) 




Shimabukuro is in charge of the composition and direction of this production. He is a great performer of action who has performed in the Amon Miyamoto directed dance performance Tee! Tee! Tee!, and in several stage plays and films.

Keiichi Yonamine

 (TEAM SPOT JUMBLE所属/1984年生/南風原町出身)



Yonamine is known as the Habu Kragen of "Ryujin Mabuya." He is an excellent comic performer and is very popular among children, despite playing a villain. For this performance, he shows his humorous side to keep the audience laughing.

Yasushi Murayama

(TEAM SPOT JUMBLE所属/1979年生/宮古島市出身)




Maruyama is known as the Ryukyu (Okinawan) Tom Cruise. With an overwhelming presence, he's unforgettable once you see him on stage. Maruyama adds extra spice to the show.





沖縄和太鼓の伝道師。沖縄和太鼓 打族-DAZOKU-のリーダーとしても活躍中。本作では太鼓のバチを置き、新境地に挑戦。軽快なリズムで舞台を盛上げる

Hideto is a teacher of Okinawa Wadaiko (Japanese traditional drumming) and the leader of an Okinawa Wadaiko drumming troupe named DAZOKU. For this performance, he plays without drumsticks in a new and high-energy performance that electrifies the audience with pulsating light and the beat of the drum.



2015年6月 ミドルミット結成

2015年8月 keikobar にてβ版上演

2016年3月 MIDDLE MITT ver.1 上演(30日・31日)@Topnote(那覇市)

2016年7月 りっかりっか*フェスタ2016出演(3日間4公演を満席にする)

2017年7月 りっかりっか*フェスタ2017出演予定

2017年10月 テンブスホールにて公演予定(平成29年沖縄県文化観光戦略推進事業)